The celebration of the All-Russian Saints Peter, Alexy and Jonah on the same day was established by His Holiness Patriarch Job on October 5, 1596. Saint Philip was numbered among them in 1875 at the request of Saint Innocent of Moscow, and Saint Hermogenes in 1913. After the canonization of Metropolitan Innokenty (Veniaminov), Patriarch Job, Metropolitan Macarius (contemporary of Tsar Ivan the Terrible), Patriarch Tikhon (Bellavin), Metropolitans Philaret (Drozdov), Macarius (Nevsky) and Peter (Polyansky), they were also ranked among the saints of Moscow. Celebrating their memory on one day, the Church gives each of them equal honor as the heavenly patrons of Moscow and prayer books for our Fatherland. The service to Moscow saints, in the opinion of Metropolitan Makarii (Bulgakov), was compiled by Grigory Otrepiev.
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