The Holy Martyr Golinduch, in Baptism Mary, lived in Persia during the reign of Chosroes I the Elder. She was the wife of the chief sorcerer of the Persian kingdom. Possessing a bright mind, Golinduha understood the falsity of pagan wisdom, pondered a lot about what kind of faith is true. Having learned that Christianity exists, she really wanted to know what it teaches. Soon, in the eyes of God, her desire was fulfilled. In a dream, the Angel showed Golinduha the place of torment for sinners and the paradise in which those who believe in Christ, the True God, dwell. After this dream, she began to fervently pray to the True God, so that He would help her to become a Christian. An angel of God pointed out to Golindukha a Christian priest from whom she received Holy Baptism with the name Mary.
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